Are You Going?

Let me know if you are going to the Doctor Who Festival and if you are, what day? Are you excited? Who are you excited about hearing from? Picture with? Exhibits there? I am going on Sunday. I am excited to dress up as a someone to be named after I go, and then I’ll…

Month 9, Season 9

It has been said that the hero is only as good as it’s villain. Villains have to be scary, well written, and we love to hate them. It just makes us love the hero more from saving us from them. So what does season 9 villains have in store? A bunch of new ones it…


Sentences, this is a very true statement by Moffat. If I think about all the people I have watched or read. JK Rowling, got us all hooked by the first page if you are being honest. I have been told, to stick with a book until chapter 2, if you do not like it by…

Alex Kingston Panel and Torchwood Possibility?

  Alex Kingston Panel in Miami, Supercon June 30, 2012 She’s mentioned Torchwood coming back with Captain Jack and her……so does that mean that since it’s been implied they may be coming back (don’t get comfortable, Moffat is more of a liar than the Doctor) in season 9, is this a set up for Torchwood to come back? SPOILERS  (and you…