Abandoning Who?

No. Never, not I. Well, yes and no. I no longer own the website name “DoctorWhoforYou”. The price of owning a website name went up and I just couldn’t justify it since it was not making me any money. I was an intense fan. I guess in a way I still am. But I care…

Is there a Doctor in the House?

Is there a Doctor in the house?(An actual line in this movie) 2 doctors in fact! And be sure to catch 8 being the hero and 12 singing a song. Of course, it’s Hotel! Before there was the 50th, there was….Hotel!? Very much like a Marx brother movie! Got lots of classic gags in it.  

Are You Going?

Let me know if you are going to the Doctor Who Festival and if you are, what day? Are you excited? Who are you excited about hearing from? Picture with? Exhibits there? I am going on Sunday. I am excited to dress up as a someone to be named after I go, and then I’ll…

Aw! Goodbye Clara Oswald

Even if you don’t like Clara, these trailers have the perfect songs and mashups, respect.  When you first came onto the Doctor Who scene, Clara Oswin Oswald, I was intrigued. Then I was disgusted. Then Capaldi came along and you developed an actual personality and not a plot device personality, and I understood you. No matter what…