
The second Doctor said reflectively in “the Mind Robber”. I have a different sort of appreciation for this episode than others. It isn’t that scary. It isn’t beautiful. It isn’t the best acting from anyone. It isn’t even amazing writing. Yet, it is unusual. It is interesting. I wish the Doctor now had more episodes…

You Can’t Do the Second Doctor without Your Hands

Frazer Hines who played the second doctor’s companion, playing Jamie McCrimmon now does impressions of the second doctor from time to time but claims he cannot do them without imitate him without also doing his beloved doctor’s hand movements. He makes other amusing remarks within a two minute period. It’s worth the view!

The Second Doctor Regenerates

So the second doctor’s regeneration was a punishment from the time lord’s for meddling with earth. Because the second doctor liked earth so much, they sentenced him there in exile, with part of that being that he had to regenerate.

12 and 2

Voice work is quite impressive of a field sometimes and with this we can combine old Doctors and new Doctors can talk together, fan work.  The second doctor is quite impressive, but the